ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2005 “YOKOHAMA TRIENNALE 2005”
YOKOHAMA Triennale 2005 -Art circus- “Forest every day”
![安部泰輔 毎日森](http://taisuke-abe.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/010-4158.jpg)
The viewers takes off his shoes and enters the space.
The stuffed animals decorated in the air were made by artist and volunteers using clothing at the exhibition place every day.
The viewers was able to buy a favorite stuffed animal for 1000 yen per person.
The wall of the production room is blackboard, and The viewers can also do graffiti with chalk.
A diary, a pen, etc. are placed on the round table installed around, and the viewer can freely draw what he wants to write.
YOKOHAMA 2005: International Triennale of Contemporary Art [Art Circus]
September 28–December 18, 2005(Open for 82 days)